

A Dungeon Master/Game Master utility for keeping track of day and time in your role-playing campaigns such as Dungeons & Dragons.

  • Tracks the moon positions and phases, and you can customize how long it takes the moon to orbit!
  • The sky, sun, and moon update accordingly so you can quickly inform your players what the sky environment is like.
  • Track day and time of as many campaigns as you like.
  • Visualize position of sun, moon and stars as well as sky color based on current time.
  • Buttons for adding 6 seconds, 1/5/30 minutes, 1/4/12 hours, and 1/5/10 days.
  • You can also set time and day directly if you need to go back in time or jump ahead.
  • Moon position and phases are tracked based on number of days passed and total hours to orbit (you can customize this for each campaign).
  • Very lightweight and easy to use!
Available on
  • Download on Google Play
  • Download on Apple App Store
  • Download on Amazon App Store
Download keyCascader!


keyCascader is a handy solution for dealing with the ESC key on desktops, and the Android back button (although it can be used with any key or button input). Typically, you need the behavior of these keys to cascade through a number of different elements in your UI, but it's a tedious pain to handle this cleanly. keyCascader makes it easy!

Handle any key or button cascades:

  • Android Back Button on mobile
  • ESC/ENTER Button on desktop
  • Perfect for letting your user quickly navigate past nested menus and popups
  • No coding required, just two components!
  • Battle tested on half a dozen shipped mobile and desktop games!